Dance Obsession
Ballroom Dancing
Sunshine Coast
Hit up Instagram or Facebook link
to see latest class info.
3 Technology Dr, Warana Qld 4575 Email ~ danceobsession@live.com Ph ~ 0459 493 701

Private lessons for Wedding Couples
All eyes are on you as you walk onto the dance floor…What happens next is up to you.
You've chosen the music with care so let Dance Obsession help you make your Wedding Dance all you want it to be.
Whether you want to show the fun OR the romance of the night OR just to avoid the Aussie shuffle – dance it with confidence. We will choreograph a wedding dance (not necessarily a Waltz these days) to suit both you as a couple and your favourite song.
And we don't believe in charging extra just because we add Wedding to a service name.
Private lessons are not sold in blocks; you decide how many you want to take.
Cost: 30 minutes = $35
45 minutes = $55
For more information: Phone Sharon on
0459 493 701 for an informal chat. I have questions to ask and it's quicker than emailing.